Overgrowth Error - Please Help?

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Overgrowth Error - Please Help?

Post by WolfmanLou » Mon Dec 25, 2017 5:40 pm

I preordered Overgrowth way back when the alpha was still in double digits, and played it a ton on my old tower. My old laptop couldn't run it, which makes sense. It wasn't a powerful machine at all. My new laptop however (2 days old,) keeps running into an error every time I try to start a level. I know OG has had issues with Intel cards for a while, but I'd figured by now maybe the kinks would be worked out?

Every time I try to load a level, I get a shader error. I have turned off and on custom shaders many times, fiddled with my graphics settings, to no avail.

Is there anything I can do? I haven't played OG in forever. I miss it :(
errormessage.PNG (15.83 KiB) Viewed 19602 times

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Re: Overgrowth Error - Please Help?

Post by merlyn » Tue Dec 26, 2017 1:48 am

Which GPU is in your computer? We're looking to get this fixed soon, and knowing which OS and GPU combo people are using will help us out a lot.

Here's instructions on how to work around the problem:

1. Switch to previous_alpha. Steam library -> right click Overgrowth -> Properties -> Betas tab -> click on "NONE" and switch it to "previous_alpha". Hit OK.

2. A download should start. It will show "downloading" at the bottom of your screen. You can click on that, and it will show you download progress. The download should be about 240mb. Wait for this download to complete.

3. Clear the game's write cache. Instructions are here: http://wiki.wolfire.com/index.php/How_t ... me's_cache

4. If you have a Windows machine, then install this MANUAL patch file: http://cdn.wolfire.com/techsupport/over ... ns-win.zip

To install that manual patch file, extract the files, and overwrite the files in your Overgrowth install folder. By default, this is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Overgrowth - make sure you unzip all the files in there, not in a sub-folder, and overwrite the existing files

(If you have a Mac, you should not require this manual patch. Switching to previous_alpha should fix this error message for you).

Now you should be able to run the game, and it should say version 1.0.6. Check in the game's main menu -> top bar -> help -> about.

If you have additional problems after this, please make sure you are clear about the exact error message you are getting. The shader error should no longer appear if you've followed all these steps. It is possible that some of you might still have other problems, but those are going to be related to different bugs, and will have different steps to fix them.

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Joined: Mon Dec 25, 2017 5:29 pm

Re: Overgrowth Error - Please Help?

Post by WolfmanLou » Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:52 am

Thanks for the fast response. Opting into the previous build worked! :D Thank you so much.

Just to help out with future builds though, I'll still give you the specs you asked for. I'm running Win10, and my GPU is an Intel HD 620.

Thanks again for the help. I can't wait for some rabbit kung-fu action :)

Posts: 373
Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:41 pm

Re: Overgrowth Error - Please Help?

Post by merlyn » Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:26 pm

WolfmanLou wrote:Thanks for the fast response. Opting into the previous build worked! :D Thank you so much.

Just to help out with future builds though, I'll still give you the specs you asked for. I'm running Win10, and my GPU is an Intel HD 620.

Thanks again for the help. I can't wait for some rabbit kung-fu action :)
If the Intel 620 doesn't work out for you (game freezes up a bunch), please email our tech support with those details (email [email protected], and tell us you have an Intel 620, and that the game is freezing).

We have a known problem on the Intel 500 and 600 series GPUs. It is a bug in Intel's driver software for those GPUs. We have contacted Intel about it, and we're waiting on them to fix it. When it is fixed, we plan to email everyone who has written in for support about it.

If you end up having the freeze up, and decide to get a refund, we'll still email you when it gets fixed, so please email even if you decide to refund.

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