Preorder Overgrowth

Thanks for preordering Overgrowth! This is your very own secret preorder page. Save this unique URL and please keep it to yourself!

Your secret alpha key is MJBCE-GX24H-GZ4SX


To download the alphas and interact with the community you will need to gain access to the Secret Preorder Forum (or SPF for short):

1. Join the forums

If you already have an account on the Wolfire forums please continue to step 2, otherwise click here to register a new username. The answer to the anti-spam question is Lugaru. After registering you will need to wait for an activation email.

2. Link your preorder and forum account.

Once you have an active forum account you will need to link it with your preorder so you gain access to the SPF. You can do that by using the form below.

You should have SPF access under the name "Tzus".
Please contact us if this is not accurate.
Processing... Please stand by!
spf loader
Please enter a forum username.

3. Keep up to date!

Be sure to keep track of updates and news here: